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The Passing of Richard Leo Twiss, Taoyate Obnajin "He Stands with his People"
February 9, 2013
"Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints." -Psalm 116:15
(Photo: Wiconi.com)
Richard walked the good road with Jesus from 1974, and continues his walk now on the other side of life.
In the final hours of Richard's journey on this side, he was surrounded by his wife Katherine, his four sons, Andrew, Phillip, Ian and Daniel, along with close friends who sang, prayed, laughed and reminisced together about his impact in life among them, and within the wider Kingdom of his Creator.
Let's be lifting up the Twiss family in prayer - Katherine and his sons and the rest of the family - as they need great comfort from the Great Comforter Himself in this hour.
For more information on the ministry of Richard Twiss, Wiconi International, go to: http://www.wiconi.com
And you may also visit the ministry's Facebook page here
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